Each NZ Pure Health Omega 3 soft gel capsule contains:
1000mg Fish Oil (Omega 3 DHA 120mg and EPA 180mg), 1.15mg Vitamin E and encapsulating materials.
This product contains no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives.
Omega 3 soft gel capsule
Take one (1) or two (2) capsules daily as a dietary food supplement or as professionally advised.
If pregnant, breastfeeding or on prescription medication, check with your healthcare professional first.
What is Omega 3?
Omega-3 fatty acids are a form of polyunsaturated fats, one of four basic types of fat that the body derives from food. (Cholesterol, saturated fat and monounsaturated fat are the others.) All polyunsaturated fats, including the omega-3s, are increasingly recognised as important to human health.
Eating too many foods rich in saturated fats has been associated with the development of degenerative diseases, including heart disease and even cancer. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, however, are actually good for you.
Omega-3 fatty acids include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both found primarily in oily cold-water fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel.
Health Benefits
Scientists made one of the first associations between omega-3s and human health while studying the Inuit (Eskimo) people of Greenland in the 1970s. As a group, the Inuit suffered far less from certain diseases (coronary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis) than their European counterparts. Yet their diet was very high in fat from eating whale, seal and salmon. Researchers realised that these foods were all rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which provided real disease-countering benefits.
Researchers continue to explore this exciting field. They've found that without a sufficient supply of polyunsaturated omega-3s, the body will use saturated fat to construct cell membranes. The resulting cell membranes, however, are less elastic, a situation that can have a negative effect on the heart because it makes it harder to return to a resting state.
In addition, nutritionists have come to recognise the importance of balancing omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Because most people on a typical Western diet consume far more omega-6-rich foods (including cereals, whole-grain bread, baked goods, fried foods, margarine and others), the ratio is out of balance for almost everyone. This means for most Americans the emphasis now needs to be on increasing omega-3s to make the ratio more even.
Specifically, omega-3s in fish oil or other forms may help to:
- Improve heart health.
- Support brain function and mental wellness
- Support joint health
- Support healthy cholesterol levels
- Support skin, hair and eye health
Apparently, omega-3s help enhance the ability of brain-cell receptors to comprehend mood-related signals from other neurons in the brain. In other words, the omega-3s are believed to help keep the brain's entire traffic pattern of thoughts, reactions and reflexes running smoothly and efficiently.
Guidelines for Use
Pregnant women and infants need plenty of omega-3s to nourish the developing brain of the fetus and young child. If a pregnant woman gets too few omega-3s, the growing fetus will take all that's available. This could set the stage for depression in the mother. Talk to your obstetrician and pediatrician about specific requirements.
General Interaction
There are no known drug or nutrient interactions associated with increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids through foods. However, if you decide to take omega-3s through supplements (especially those containing fish oils), check with your doctor first if you are taking a blood-thinner such as warfarin or heparin.
Possible Side Effects
There are no known side effects associated with increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids through foods, although fish oil capsules can pose the risk of a "burp" factor. This is a harmless, although not exactly pleasant, fishy aftertaste that occurs with some brands of fish oil capsules.